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Vision Citadelle: Authenticité et Qualité

Nous sommes dédiés à la promotion des produits haïtiens biologiques à Montréal, soutenant l'économie locale tout en offrant des produits exotiques de qualité aux consommateurs québécois. Haïti, avec ses produits agroalimentaires essentiellement BIOLOGIQUES, dispose d’un potentiel immense pour conquérir des marchés internationaux en termes de qualité. Parmi ces marchés, le Canada se distingue comme une destination stratégique, grâce à ses liens historiques et culturels avec Haïti, sa population diversifiée et son intérêt croissant pour des produits authentiques, équitables et durables.

Vision Citadelle vise à établir une stratégie de marketing et de commercialisation claire pour introduire et promouvoir les produits haïtiens sur le marché canadien. Il s’agit d’explorer les segments de marché les plus prometteurs, de mettre en avant les atouts uniques des produits haïtiens – tels que leur qualité durable, leur caractère biologique ou équitable – et de développer une approche qui favorise non seulement la visibilité, mais aussi l’acceptation et la fidélité des consommateurs canadiens.

En combinant une analyse approfondie du marché canadien, une stratégie de différenciation basée sur l'identité et la qualité des produits haïtiens, ainsi qu’une utilisation efficace des canaux de distribution et de communication modernes, Vision Citadelle cherche à travers son plan stratégique à transformer le potentiel en réalité commerciale.

A man is walking along a lush green path carrying a large woven basket filled with ripe cocoa pods on his head. He is wearing a light-colored shirt and a brimmed hat. The path and surrounding greenery create a vibrant and natural backdrop.
A man is walking along a lush green path carrying a large woven basket filled with ripe cocoa pods on his head. He is wearing a light-colored shirt and a brimmed hat. The path and surrounding greenery create a vibrant and natural backdrop.



Produits Haïtiens Authentiques

Soutien Local

Produits Haïtiens Authentiques

Découvrez notre sélection de produits biologiques et authentiques d'Haïti, directement à Montréal.

Huiles Essentielles

Nous offrons une gamme d'huiles essentielles pures, idéales pour le bien-être et la relaxation.

A hand holds a jar labeled 'Imam Bayeldi' with illustrations of eggplants and a pepper. The label emphasizes it is a vegan product, non-GMO, and weighs 16 ounces (454 grams). The jar has a rustic, wrapped lid tied with twine. The background features a blue and white abstract pattern.
A hand holds a jar labeled 'Imam Bayeldi' with illustrations of eggplants and a pepper. The label emphasizes it is a vegan product, non-GMO, and weighs 16 ounces (454 grams). The jar has a rustic, wrapped lid tied with twine. The background features a blue and white abstract pattern.
Produits Alimentaires

Savourez des produits alimentaires haïtiens de qualité, soigneusement sélectionnés pour votre plaisir culinaire.

A small market stall with a thatched roof displaying a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, including coconuts and other tropical produce. The area is surrounded by various plants and palm trees, creating a laid-back, rustic atmosphere. Electrical wires are visible overhead, and the shop has a colorful, slightly weathered appearance.
A small market stall with a thatched roof displaying a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, including coconuts and other tropical produce. The area is surrounded by various plants and palm trees, creating a laid-back, rustic atmosphere. Electrical wires are visible overhead, and the shop has a colorful, slightly weathered appearance.

Produits Haïtiens

Promouvoir la culture haïtienne à travers des produits authentiques.

Three cans of Jamaican peanut drink labeled 'Irish Moss' are displayed against a vibrant pink background. The cans have a dark design with the product name in large, bold letters and additional descriptive text below.
Three cans of Jamaican peanut drink labeled 'Irish Moss' are displayed against a vibrant pink background. The cans have a dark design with the product name in large, bold letters and additional descriptive text below.
Produits Alimentaires

Huiles essentielles d’Haïti pour votre bien-être quotidien.

A vibrant market scene with fresh produce such as tomatoes, gourds, cilantro, and pineapples displayed prominently. Two individuals engage in a transaction, exchanging packaged goods. The setting is bustling, indicative of a lively marketplace.
A vibrant market scene with fresh produce such as tomatoes, gourds, cilantro, and pineapples displayed prominently. Two individuals engage in a transaction, exchanging packaged goods. The setting is bustling, indicative of a lively marketplace.
Five bottles of hair treatment products with labels displaying different fruit flavors are arranged on cylindrical white pedestals. The bottles are labeled 'hella co.' and include flavors such as grapefruit, kiwifruit, and blueberry.
Five bottles of hair treatment products with labels displaying different fruit flavors are arranged on cylindrical white pedestals. The bottles are labeled 'hella co.' and include flavors such as grapefruit, kiwifruit, and blueberry.
A market stall featuring bunches of ripe bananas arranged in trays, surrounded by boxes filled with root vegetables like yams. The stand is set under colorful umbrellas, and people in casual clothing are seen shopping in the background. The atmosphere is vibrant and bustling.
A market stall featuring bunches of ripe bananas arranged in trays, surrounded by boxes filled with root vegetables like yams. The stand is set under colorful umbrellas, and people in casual clothing are seen shopping in the background. The atmosphere is vibrant and bustling.
Économie Locale

Soutenir l'économie haïtienne en offrant des produits de qualité.